What is the Moonbird device?
Our Moonbird device is a patented physical breathing tool that assists people in slow breathing exercises that are scientifically proven to help those who suffer from anxiety, stress and sleeping problems. The Moonbird device expands and contracts in the user’s hand, physically guiding them through breathing exercises, making it easier to follow through and calm down—particularly before sleep. Unlike existing apps, which offer digital guidance, our handheld device offers a more intuitive, comforting solution.
Additionally, our Moonbird device can sync with a companion app to track your heart rate and offer personalised breathing exercises based on your unique needs. This feedback loop also shows the impact of the exercises on your heart rate.
The link between our Moonbird device and the 8 CTPs:
Our mission was to create a product that meets real-world needs and prioritizes user well-being (CPT 1). The Moonbird device specifically addresses issues of anxiety, stress, and sleep, which affect nearly half the population.
My inspiration for this device came from personal experiences with sleep issues and a friend’s struggle with anxiety; while we knew breathing exercises could help, we found them challenging to implement alone.
As the demand for non-drug alternatives grows, we identified a market gap for a physical tool that offers real-time, tangible guidance to users in proven stress-relief techniques like breathing exercises. Enter Moonbird.
Throughout the development of Moonbird, we took a collaborative approach; we secured clinical validation from psychologists, physicians, and pharmacists, and partnered with Thomas More University in Flanders for surveys, interviews, and lab testing. With subsidies from the European Commission, we tested prototypes and refined our product. Moreover, we adhered to strict legal standards and systematic quality controls to ensure the highest level of safety and effectiveness (CTP 7).
“Quality and quality control is a non-negotiable for me.”
Stefanie Broes
CEO and co-founder of Moonbird
Our supply partners are global, with components mainly sourced from China, while a Belgian partner manufactures the PCB locally. Commercially, we collaborate with insurance companies offering reimbursements and work closely with our investors, whose feedback is integral to our process. Today, we systematically monitor and evaluate Moonbird's impact on user well-being and societal issues, gathering input through regular user and stakeholder surveys to measure impact and drive improvements (CTP 2, CTP 6, CTP 8). Our participatory approach not only aligns the product with the needs of its users but also contributes to Moonbird’s innovative and evidence-based solutions for mental health support.
“Good product development always happens in a co-created fashion in line with the end users.”
My PhD in data protection legislation guides our rigorous data practices. Moonbird is a data-driven project with transparent informed consent and strict data minimization (CTP 3) . User data is collected through the app, which about 95% of customers download and link to their device at least once, with most providing optional demographic and biometric data. We collect minimal, targeted data—10-15 points, including heart rate and variability metrics—and offer users the option to contribute data that enhances research and personalization (CTP 4). Moreover, In August 2024, we launched our second hero product, Moon Buddy—a smaller, screen-free relaxation tool for children designed to protect their privacy with no app or data collection (CTP 3).
Our main challenge was developing our device during the COVID-19 pandemic. Officially established in August 2019, our business launched in March 2020, just a week before the pandemic began. We faced significant hurdles in producing physical products, particularly with sourcing components, which were severely delayed due to global events like lockdowns and natural disasters. Fires in California and other disasters in China shut down major production facilities, causing delivery timelines for components to extend over a year and a half. Despite these obstacles, we had to continue producing and selling our devices, leading to tight negotiations to ensure production could proceed. Although margins were extremely narrow, we persevered.
Currently, our biggest challenge is building the right team and expanding internationally. While we have strong brand recognition and are well-established locally in Belgium, gaining traction in international markets remains a struggle.
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